1 /*
  2 Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
  3 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  4 */
  5 (function()
  6 {
  7 	function forceHtmlMode( evt ) { evt.data.mode = 'html'; }
  9 	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'pastefromword',
 10 	{
 11 		init : function( editor )
 12 		{
 14 			// Flag indicate this command is actually been asked instead of a generic
 15 			// pasting.
 16 			var forceFromWord = 0;
 17 			var resetFromWord = function( evt )
 18 				{
 19 					evt && evt.removeListener();
 20 					editor.removeListener( 'beforePaste', forceHtmlMode );
 21 					forceFromWord && setTimeout( function() { forceFromWord = 0; }, 0 );
 22 				};
 24 			// Features bring by this command beside the normal process:
 25 			// 1. No more bothering of user about the clean-up.
 26 			// 2. Perform the clean-up even if content is not from MS-Word.
 27 			// (e.g. from a MS-Word similar application.)
 28 			editor.addCommand( 'pastefromword',
 29 			{
 30 				canUndo : false,
 31 				exec : function()
 32 				{
 33 					// Ensure the received data format is HTML and apply content filtering. (#6718)
 34 					forceFromWord = 1;
 35 					editor.on( 'beforePaste', forceHtmlMode );
 37 					if ( editor.execCommand( 'paste', 'html' ) === false )
 38 					{
 39 						editor.on( 'dialogShow', function ( evt )
 40 						{
 41 							evt.removeListener();
 42 							evt.data.on( 'cancel', resetFromWord );
 43 						});
 45 						editor.on( 'dialogHide', function( evt )
 46 						{
 47 							evt.data.removeListener( 'cancel', resetFromWord );
 48 						} );
 49 					}
 51 					editor.on( 'afterPaste', resetFromWord );
 52 				}
 53 			});
 55 			// Register the toolbar button.
 56 			editor.ui.addButton( 'PasteFromWord',
 57 				{
 58 					label : editor.lang.pastefromword.toolbar,
 59 					command : 'pastefromword'
 60 				});
 62 			editor.on( 'pasteState', function( evt )
 63 				{
 64 					editor.getCommand( 'pastefromword' ).setState( evt.data );
 65 				});
 67 			editor.on( 'paste', function( evt )
 68 			{
 69 				var data = evt.data,
 70 					mswordHtml;
 72 				// MS-WORD format sniffing.
 73 				if ( ( mswordHtml = data[ 'html' ] )
 74 					 && ( forceFromWord || ( /(class=\"?Mso|style=\"[^\"]*\bmso\-|w:WordDocument)/ ).test( mswordHtml ) ) )
 75 				{
 76 					var isLazyLoad = this.loadFilterRules( function()
 77 						{
 78 							// Event continuation with the original data.
 79 							if ( isLazyLoad )
 80 								editor.fire( 'paste', data );
 81 							else if ( !editor.config.pasteFromWordPromptCleanup
 82 							  || ( forceFromWord || confirm( editor.lang.pastefromword.confirmCleanup ) ) )
 83 							 {
 84 								data[ 'html' ] = CKEDITOR.cleanWord( mswordHtml, editor );
 85 							}
 86 						});
 88 					// The cleanup rules are to be loaded, we should just cancel
 89 					// this event.
 90 					isLazyLoad && evt.cancel();
 91 				}
 92 			}, this );
 93 		},
 95 		loadFilterRules : function( callback )
 96 		{
 98 			var isLoaded = CKEDITOR.cleanWord;
100 			if ( isLoaded )
101 				callback();
102 			else
103 			{
104 				var filterFilePath = CKEDITOR.getUrl(
105 						CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile
106 						|| ( this.path + 'filter/default.js' ) );
108 				// Load with busy indicator.
109 				CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( filterFilePath, callback, null, true );
110 			}
112 			return !isLoaded;
113 		},
115 		requires : [ 'clipboard' ]
116 	});
117 })();
119 /**
120  * Whether to prompt the user about the clean up of content being pasted from
121  * MS Word.
122  * @name CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordPromptCleanup
123  * @since 3.1
124  * @type Boolean
125  * @default undefined
126  * @example
127  * config.pasteFromWordPromptCleanup = true;
128  */
130 /**
131  * The file that provides the MS Word cleanup function for pasting operations.
132  * Note: This is a global configuration shared by all editor instances present
133  * in the page.
134  * @name CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile
135  * @since 3.1
136  * @type String
137  * @default 'default'
138  * @example
139  * // Load from 'pastefromword' plugin 'filter' sub folder (custom.js file).
140  * CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile = 'custom';
141  */