CKFinder 3 – PHP Connector Documentation

Latest CKFinder is always the greatest CKFinder. Each new release brings plenty of bug fixes and new features, so it is highly recommended to upgrade often. Upgrading CKFinder is an easy task. See the complete upgrade instructions below.

Upgrading CKFinder 3.x

  1. Download the latest CKFinder version from the official CKFinder website.
  2. Backup your old copy of CKFinder to a safe place.
  3. Temporarily disable access to CKFinder for all users of your application.
  4. Delete all files from the CKFinder folder (remember to not delete the userfiles folder if you configured CKFinder to store files there).
  5. Unpack the new CKFinder version to the folder where old CKFinder was previously installed.
  6. Apply changes from the old configuration file to the new configuration file shipped with CKFinder (most of the time, you can simply use the old configuration file).
  7. (Optional) In your application add a timestamp to the path to ckfinder.js to help browsers recognize that the new version of the file is available, e.g.:
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/ckfinder/ckfinder.js?t=20100601"></script>
  8. Perform some simple tests to ensure that CKFinder is running fine.
  9. Enable access to CKFinder for all users of your application.

Upgrading from CKFinder 2.x to 3.x

Changes in CKFinder 3.x

Although some configuration options in CKFinder 3.x look familiar, its configuration and API are incompatible with previous versions of CKFinder.

CKFinder 3.x comes with many new features, but at the same time it misses a couple of features available in CKFinder 2.x:

  • The Zip/Unzip plugin.
  • The "File Edit" feature for editing text files.

These features may be added in the future CKFinder releases.

CKFinder 3.x also dropped support for Internet Explorer 8 and is no longer shipped with the Flash component for file uploads, which sometimes required really tricky workarounds due to Flash bugs with handling cookies. In CKFinder 3.x HTML5 features are exclusively used for multiple file uploads — the fallback in older browsers is that users can only select one file.


  1. Download the latest CKFinder version from the official CKFinder website.
  2. Backup your old copy of CKFinder to a safe place.
  3. Temporarily disable access to CKFinder for all users of your application.
  4. Delete all files from the CKFinder folder (remember to not delete the userfiles folder if you configured CKFinder to store files there).
  5. Unpack the new CKFinder version to the folder where old CKFinder was previously installed.
  6. Manually apply changes from the old configuration file to the new configuration file shipped with CKFinder (you cannot use the old configuration file).
  7. (Optional) In your application add a timestamp to the path to ckfinder.js to help browsers recognize that the new version of the file is available, e.g.:
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/ckfinder/ckfinder.js?t=20100601"></script>
  8. To integrate CKFinder with your application you need to attach the main CKFinder JavaScript file to the page, like shown above. It is no longer possible to enable CKFinder on a page from the PHP level. To start the application on a page as a widget, add the following HTML container where CKFinder will be rendered:

     <div id="ckfinder1"></div>

    and then add the JavaScript code to the document to insert CKFinder into that container:

        CKFinder.widget( 'ckfinder1', {
            width: 960,
            height: 700,
        } );

    Please refer to CKFinder Quick Start Guide to find more information about integrating CKFinder with your website.

    Note: The plugins from version 2.x are not compatible with version 3.x. If you created any custom plugins, they need to be rewritten. To check what custom changes you made in the past in your own copy of CKFinder 2.x, you can download a fresh copy from the official CKFinder website and compare both versions using a diff tool (for example WinMerge).

  9. Perform some simple tests to ensure that CKFinder is running fine.
  10. Enable access to CKFinder for all users of your application.

Embedding CKFinder on a Web Page

As mentioned in point 8 above, it is no longer possible to enable CKFinder on a page from the PHP level. If you previously used PHP to start CKFinder, you need to use JavaScript now.

The example below shows similar setups for CKFinder 2 and CKFinder 3. Note that available client-side configuration options are described in the CKFinder 3 documentation. On the same website there is also a handy table available that describes configuration migration for JavaScript settings.

CKFinder 2

<script type="text/javascript">
// This is a sample function which is called when a file is selected in CKFinder.
function ShowFileInfo( fileUrl )
    var msg = 'The selected URL is: ' + fileUrl + '\n\n';
    alert( msg );

require_once 'ckfinder/ckfinder.php';
$finder = new CKFinder();
$finder->BasePath = '/ckfinder/';
$finder->Width = 900;
$finder->Height = 600;
$finder->Id = 'foo';
$finder->RememberLastFolder = true;
$finder->StartupFolderExpanded = true;
$finder->SelectFunction = 'ShowFileInfo';
$finder->DisableThumbnailSelection = true;
echo $finder->CreateHtml();

CKFinder 3

<script src="/ckfinder/ckfinder.js"></script>
<div id="ckfinder-widget"></div>
CKFinder.widget( 'ckfinder-widget', {
    width: 900,
    height: 600,
    id: 'foo',
    pass: 'id',
    rememberLastFolder: true,
    startupFolderExpanded: true,
    chooseFiles: true,
    // Simulate SelectFunction
    onInit: function( finder ) {
        finder.on( 'files:choose', function( evt ) {
            var files =;
            alert( 'The selected URL is: ' + files[0].getUrl() + '\n\n'; );
        } );
        finder.on( 'file:choose:resizedImage', function( evt ) {
            alert( 'The selected URL is: ' + + '\n\n'; );
            // Close the "Choose Resized" dialog window.
            finder.request( 'dialog:destroy' );
        } );
} );

A short explanation of main differences:

  • BasePath is not set, because the <script> tag with ckfinder.js is included manually.
  • When using CKFinder.widget, an element where CKFinder is to be rendered must be first output on the page (here: <div id="ckfinder-widget"></div>).
  • The id configuration option is no longer automatically passed to the connector, thus config.pass needs to be used.
  • Unless CKFinder is launched by CKEditor, choosing files must be enabled manually with config.chooseFiles.
  • There is no SelectFunction configuration option, CKFinder now offers events and requests to interact with the application.
  • The DisableThumbnailSelection configuration setting is no longer supported as selecting internal thumbnails is impossible in CKFinder 3.

Porting Resource Types

In CKFinder 3 resource types work in a different way as in the previous version and your old configuration will not work without modification. In version 2.x it was possible to point a resource type to a particular directory by providing an absolute path to the directory configuration option. As CKFinder 3 supports not only the local file system but also remote storage, it uses backends as an intermediate layer to access files. Therefore the directory configuration option needs to be set as a path relative to the root directory of the backend defined for the resource type. To find out more about resource type configuration options please refer to the resourceTypes section.

Have a look at the following side by side example.

The configuration of resource types in version 2 might look like the one below:

// CKFinder version 2.x
$config['ResourceType'][] = array(
'name' => 'Files',
'url' => '/userfiles/files',
'directory' => '/var/www/mysite/userfiles/files'
$config['ResourceType'][] = array(
'name' => 'Images',
'url' => '/userfiles/images',
'directory' => '/var/www/mysite/userfiles/images'
$config['ResourceType'][] = array(
'name' => 'Flash',
'url' => '/userfiles/flash',
'directory' => '/var/www/mysite/userfiles/flash'

Note: In CKFinder 2 the $baseDir and $baseUrl variables were often used in the resource type configuration. These options do not exist in CKFinder 3. The required parts of the URL and directory path are automatically prepended by the backend set for a resource type.

To achieve the same result in CKFinder 3 you can create a backend that points to the common root directory (/var/www/mysite/userfiles/), and configure resource types using relative paths, as shown below:

// CKFinder version 3.x
$config['backends'][] = array(
'name' => 'my-userfiles',
'adapter' => 'local',
'root' => '/var/www/mysite/userfiles',
'baseUrl' => '/userfiles/'
$config['resourceTypes'][] = array(
'backend' => 'my-userfiles',
'name' => 'Files',
'directory' => 'files'
$config['resourceTypes'][] = array(
'backend' => 'my-userfiles',
'name' => 'Images',
'directory' => 'images'
$config['resourceTypes'][] = array(
'backend' => 'my-userfiles',
'name' => 'Flash',
'directory' => 'flash'

See also the HOWTO section that describes how to point resource types to existing folders: Pointing Resource Type to an Existing Folder.

Configuration Options Migration - PHP Settings

The following table sums up the differences between the server-side side options (defined in config.php) available in CKFinder 2 and CKFinder 3.


The CheckAuthentication() function was replaced with the authentication configuration option.

Helper Variables

  • $baseDir was replaced with the root backend configuration option.
  • $baseUrl was replaced with the baseUrl backend confguration option.

Configuration Options

CKFinder 2.x CKFinder 3.x Additional Comments
AccessControl accessControl New permissions: IMAGE_RESIZE and IMAGE_RESIZE_CUSTOM.
- backends New in CKFinder 3.x.
- cache 3.1.0 New in CKFinder 3.1+.
CheckDoubleExtension checkDoubleExtension -
CheckSizeAfterScaling checkSizeAfterScaling -
ChmodFiles - A part of the backends configuration.
ChmodFolders - A part of the backends configuration.
- debug New in CKFinder 3.x.
- debugLoggers New in CKFinder 3.x.
DefaultResourceTypes defaultResourceTypes Array instead of string in CKFinder 3.x.
DisallowUnsafeCharacters disallowUnsafeCharacters -
FilesystemEncoding - A part of the backends configuration.
ForceAscii forceAscii -
HideFolders hideFolders -
HideFiles hideFiles -
HtmlExtensions htmlExtensions -
Images images The array structure has changed.
LicenseKey licenseKey -
LicenseName licenseName -
- overwriteOnUpload New in CKFinder 3.x.
- plugins New in CKFinder 3.x.
- pluginsDirectory New in CKFinder 3.x.
- privateDir New in CKFinder 3.x.
RoleSessionVar roleSessionVar -
ResourceType resourceTypes The array structure has changed. Resource types now depend on backends configuration.
SecureImageUploads secureImageUploads -
- sessionWriteClose 3.1.0 New in CKFinder 3.1+.
- tempDirectory 3.1.0 New in CKFinder 3.1+.
Thumbnails thumbnails The array structure has changed. Multiple sizes supported in CKFinder 3.x.
XSendfile xSendfile -

Refer to the Configuration Options Migration - JavaScript Settings section for a list of changes in the client-side options (defined in config.js or passed inline when creating CKFinder instances).