Code Index




Extends CKFinder.ui.dialog.labeledElement.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description, elementDefinition, htmlList)
A group of radio buttons.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Handler for the access key up event.
Gets the value of the currently checked radio button.
Checks one of the radio buttons in this button group.
Methods borrowed from class CKFinder.ui.dialog.labeledElement:
getLabel, setLabel
Methods borrowed from class CKFinder.ui.dialog.uiElement:
disable, enable, focus, getDialog, getElement, getInputElement, isChanged, isEnabled, isVisible, selectParentTab
Class Detail, elementDefinition, htmlList)
Since: 2.0
A group of radio buttons.
Note: the whole CKFinder.ui.dialog namespace is not directly accessible (CKFinder.ui.dialog is undefined).
Instances of this class are created by CKFinder when dialog is created.
To add a group of radio buttons to a dialog, check
{CKFinder.dialog} dialog
Parent dialog object.
{CKFinder.dialog.uiElementDefinition} elementDefinition
The element definition. Accepted fields:
  • default (Required) The default value.
  • validate (Optional) The validation function.
  • items (Required) An array of options. Each option is a 1- or 2-item array of format [ 'Description', 'Value' ]. If 'Value' is missing, then the value would be assumed to be the same as the description.
{Array} htmlList
List of HTML code to output to.
Method Detail
{Undefined} accessKeyUp()
Since: 2.0
Handler for the access key up event. Focuses the currently selected radio button, or the first radio button if none is selected.

{String} getValue()
Since: 2.0
Gets the value of the currently checked radio button.
{String} The currently checked button's value.

{Undefined} setValue(value)
Since: 2.0
Checks one of the radio buttons in this button group.
{String} value
The value of the button to be chcked.

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